Well Summer has finally arrived in Montana. Bright blue skies, green mountains and hills, and sweet sunshine. I can't express to you how special of a place Montana is, to me it really is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I also love that Jack gets to experience growing up here. We have been taking lots of hikes. Jay and I took the boys (Jack, Huck, and Marshall) to Lake Como this past weekend. It is a very scenic lake nestled in the Bitterroot Mountains just south of Missoula.
We took a really nice hike along the lake, the hike leads to some nice waterfalls. The dogs swam and Jack rode in his baby hiking backpack, which he loves. Jay went fishing with some friends on Sunday so Jack and I got to spend the day together. We walked around downtown and went the market. I made him some beef stew and he seemed to like it. For the 4th we hung out at home and worked in the yard. That afternoon we went to a BBQ at our friend's house. Jack and his lady friend Dotty went on a wagon ride and played a lot. It was a great weekend.
Jack hit a couple milestones lately. The first big one was on the day after Father's Day, he was babbling and we heard him say dada so Jay got down on his level and started saying dadadada and Jack looked right in his eyes and with the softest, sweetest baby voice, he repeated dada. It was quite a moment. He has done that a few more times since then. We know that he doesn't necessarily know that Jay is dada, but to witness him communicating like that for the first time was very neat.
He spent last weekend teething, not very fun. But....all that fussing, whining, and congestion lead to his first tooth popping out! I was at work a week or 2 ago and I got a text from his teacher at daycare, it was Jack standing up holding on to a table. He started pulling up to standing and is doing it a lot. He does it in his crib which is frustrating when he is trying to take a nap. He is such a delight and we just love every minute we get to spend with him :)